Saturday, July 6, 2013

Modify Raspberian Image file on mac osx

In order to install the driver for wifi adapter, TP-Link TLWN725N for Raspberry Pi, need to install driver files to the filesystem. Model A's only one USB port is occupied to keyboard and there is no Ethernet connection,  there is no way to connect Pi to another server. 

One of the solutions is to write the file on the rasberian boot image file and reboot.

To do that, the first issue is to access to the image file from mac osx. Though in default osx does not recognize linux file system. You can use fuse software to read and write file on linux filesystem.

1. Install FUSE for OS X

2. Install fuse-ext2

3. make the directory to mount
mkdir /Volumes/linux (or any name)

4. mount
fuse-ext2 -o force /dev/diskXsX /Volumes/linux
*) X : check assigned number with df command

Now you can change the filesystem. 

5. Copy the device file to the linux file system

6. Write to SD media as usual using dd command.

Once you reboot,  you can set up the driver

(To be continued.)


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